During this quarter in our Education Ministry at Woodward Park, Mandy and I have been teaching the 3rd and 4th grade class on Sunday mornings. We typically have about 20 kids in our class and they are just wonderful!
Yesterday, our curriculum was based on Jesus's exchange with Nicodemus in John 3.
We talked about the new birth of baptism and the questions that text sparked were absolutely wonderful. You could see the wheels turning in the minds of the kids as they considered sin and the necessity of baptism as the means of contacting the redeeming blood of Jesus.
Teaching children reminds me of Jesus's words about becoming like little children. Children are sponges for truth.
Tomorrow afternoon, I have to fly down to Lubbock, Texas for a Workshop Directors Meeting in conjunction with the Sunset Lectureship. I was invited by Truitt Adair to speak at the Lectureship this year, but declined. I'll be back to Fresno on Thursday.
Traveling to Lubbock affords me the wonderful opportunity to be with my mentor and friend, Dale Mannon. Dale is the outstanding preaching minister for the Greenlawn church in Lubbock. I'm looking forward to being with Dale again.
Saturday night, the girls and I made the short trek north to Oakhurst and the Teen Winter Retreat at Yosemite Bible Camp. A group of 80 were there for a weekend of spiritual feasting from Eli Hooper. It was great to be with Eli again and listen to his outstanding teaching on Jesus. Our teens were challenged and edified and I'm looking forward to the positive outcome in their lives as a result of the weekend.
We were also privileged to hear, for the first time, All 4 Him sing. All 4 Him is a singing group of guys from Woodward Park that are just wonderful. Their songs enriched and blessed the weekend.
Today as you pray, remember Paul Methvin. Paul is undergoing surgery this morning in Sacramento. Paul is the Director of the Tahoe Family Encampment and a dear friend to many disciples of Jesus, especially in California.