Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Yesterday, was a great day! Trae's first day of gymnastics and her participation in the Homecoming Parade as one of the Mini-Mustang cheerleaders. Tori loading up with candy thrown from the floats in the parade. Trae and Tori burning off their sugar overload in the McDonald's playground following the parade. All in all, a great day with great memories.

But the highlight for mom and dad came last evening when Trae told Mandy, "Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be someone who helps people who lost their home in the storm."

Oh, how I pray God will allow Mandy and I to be parents who fan that flame of desire to serve -- the master plan of The Master to change the world.


Taken out of context, I've heard people often justify their selfishness and unwillingness toward benevolence by quoting Jesus in Matthew 26.11: "the poor you will always have with you."

But do you notice how often the poor are painted in a positive light? The poor widow who gave all she had. Poor Lazarus -- who was overlooked in favor of a rich man in this world -- gained heaven in the next world. Jesus told a rich young ruler who desired to be spiritual to "sell everything and give it to the poor." The brother of Jesus, James, warns against prejudiced attitudes against the poor (see James 2.2).

Jesus, in giving a report for John's disciples to carry back, verified his identity with -- among other evidences -- the truth that the "good news is preached to the poor" (Matthew 11.5).

Last Sunday, the Shepherds at Marble Falls announced to the congregation a commitment of $25,000 toward those suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. This coming Sunday, a special collection will be taken to add to the monies committed by our Shepherds. This gift for the displaced will be distributed through White's Ferry Road's Relief Ministry and is dedicated to relief in the Carrollton Avenue area of New Orleans, specifically, members and friends of the Carrollton Avenue Church of Christ.

I'm grateful to serve in a church whose Elders have made a bold commitment to assist those impoverished by the hurricane. I'm grateful this morning to wake up in a state that has adopted 225,000 temporary (or new) residents without first counting the cost.

Jesus's statement regarding the poor always among us was a statement of fact, not a dismissal of responsibility or an excuse for withholding aid.