Monday, November 07, 2005

Quick hitter today as a couple of commitments are lined up and I'm pressed for time.

I'm more convinced than ever that the work of redemption was completed at Calvary. Our response to the gospel is not work, it is faith (and I define faith as simple, trusting obedience in Jesus). I think we've taught far too long a confusing amalgam of faith/works that has muddied the water and clouded the understanding of people.

When Jesus said on the cross,"It is finished," he was declaring victory over Satan. Jesus was firmly declaring that the work of redemption was complete.

Now what more is there for us to work for? Jesus did the work so we wouldn't have to. Now that doesn't absolve us from living missional lives -- from living out the mission of Jesus in this world. But it does absolve us from living in the tyranny of fear that somehow I must do enough to warrant my redemption.