Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Back in 1997 when Mandy and I were living and ministering in Florida, I attended a Promise Keepers conference in Tampa. Nine other guys from the Central church and myself enjoyed the weekend and were uplifted in our quest to be men of faith.

During the Saturday afternoon session, as we sat on the West side of the Big Sombrero -- the old stadium in Tampa where the Buccaneers used to play -- it occurred to me that seated in the row directly in front of us was Tony Dungy, the head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League.

During a break, we introduced ourselves to Coach Dungy who, it turns out, was joined by most of his coaching staff. What struck me about that meeting was this: while we wanted to talk football with the Coach, he wanted to talk about faith and the impact the Promise Keepers conference was having on his faith.

Since that time, I've always been a Tony Dungy fan. It was apparent, in those fleeting moments I was able to visit with a man who has become a legendary coach in the NFL, that his faith was real, sincere and much more important for him than football.

Yesterday, Tony Dungy and his family laid to rest their second oldest child, James, who died last week of an apparent suicide. What so impressed me last night, as I watched video of Tony Dungy speaking to the press following the funeral, was his unashamed faith in Jesus. He spoke of the belief in Jesus of his son, James. He spoke of how faith in Jesus sustains people in times of grief and sadness. He spoke without hesitation or pause of the difference Jesus can make in times of sorrow and loss.

I am thankful for men like Tony Dungy. I am thankful that, given the platform to speak publicly and reach a wide circle of people, Tony Dungy was unashamed to point the focus of his thoughts and words to his faith in Jesus Christ.

Paul, in his own unashamed way said it this way: "It's news I'm most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God's powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts Him" (Romans 1.16 from The Message).

"If the name of the Savior is precious to you, if His care has been constant and tender and true, if the light of His presence has brightened your way, O will you not tell of your gladness today?"