Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I know most of you come here to read my spiritual commentary but my third love, next to my God and my family is sports. Today, I'm devoting my blog to a couple of sports takes and will be back tomorrow with some insights on the Holy Spirit and our heritage.


The Dallas Morning News is reporting this morning that the Rangers are in on-going discussions with the Florida Marlins regarding Juan Pierre. Pierre is the prototypical leadoff man. He is a rangy centerfielder with tremendous speed.

The problem is the Marlins are asking for one of the two golden arms in the Rangers system in return: Thomas Diamond or John Danks.

As much as Pierre would fill a void in the Rangers lineup, I don't like the thought of landing Pierre at that price. The Rangers short-coming, traditionally, has been pitching and the fix to that chronic problem is developing in the farm system.

Here's hoping Jon Daniels, in attempt to make a splash as the Rangers new GM, doesn't do anything overly drastic, like trading away a future #1 starter for a guy whose ultimate impact in the Rangers lineup won't result in an increase in runs scored.


This morning, as I got to my office, I did what I typically do. Check out numerous blog sites (someday, I will post for you a list of all the blogs I visit on a daily basis). I followed that up with a visit to all the baseball sites that provide solid information on the Winter Meetings. And finally, I checked all the Razorback message boards.

It was that final stop that halted my attention.

Apparently, Mitch Mustain, who has landed the most valuable award given to a high school football player, the Gatorade National High School Player of the Year, has reopened his recruitment. A once solid lock to attend Arkansas, Mustain is now saying he will reconsider, adding Tennessee, Notre Dame and South Carolina to his list of options. Earlier in his recruitment, Texas was a major player for his services but I did not see the Horns mentioned.

What's amazing is this: if Houston Nutt is unable to land arguably the best high school football player ever to come out of Arkansas, then his days as the Head Football Coach at the University of Arkansas are numbered. With Butch Davis sitting in the wings with the full-backing of Johnny Tyson and his vast amount of money, Houston Nutt is now on the shakiest of ground. The next couple of days are going to be some kind of interesting to watch.