Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thanks for those of you who emailed me your insights on the blog discussion yesterday regarding our contemporary approach to the Lord's Supper. There seems to be a number among us who long for more community in communion.

For further study, let me point you in the direction of John Mark Hicks's book Come To The Table: Revisioning the Lord's Supper.


Speaking of the table, I need to do a better job pushing myself away from it!

For the first time in my life, I've tipped the scale at over 180 pounds.

Granted, I'm gonna lay some of the blame for that at the feet of the wonderful cooks in the Marble Falls church. Since our arrival in mid-August, we've been overwhelmed with genuine, warm hospitality and a more than adequate number of dinner invitations.

Consequently, my waist line and love handles are evidence! In fact, if things don't change quick, I'm going to have to ask for some new jeans and slacks for Christmas -- out of necessity!

So, last Saturday, I determined to do something about it! Cut back on the caffeine, sugar, midday snacks. Drink more water. And run at least four times a week.

Tuesday night, the girls and I walked about two miles and enjoyed the sunset from our vantage point on Mormon Mill Road. When we got back to the house, Trae begged me to go running with her. "Daddy, Daddy, I want to run with you!"

She was determined. She was excited. She was pumped and motivated.

One-tenth of a mile later, all that motivation and determination and excitement was gone. "Dad, I'm tired. Can we go back to the house?"

Funny, but several times this week, I've wanted to do the same thing as Trae -- throw in the towel before finishing and head back for home. If you are an exercise guru, how do you maintain your motivation and discipline to stay at it when all your muscles and energy are crying uncle?