Friday, December 23, 2005

There is an old woodsman proverb that says, "A tree is best measured when it is down." Today, the tree -- a redwood of a man at that -- named Jim Mabery was ushered into heaven by that Angel Band he so loved to sing about.

Details at this time are sketchy, but an accident along Interstate 40 near Lexington, Tennessee claimed Jim's physical life. Jim and his wife, Charlotte, were on their way to Nashville to celebrate the Christmas holiday with Charlotte's son and daughter-in-law, David and Teresa Worley.

In the days ahead, people more eloquent and intimately acquainted with Jim than I will remember and pay tribute to his life of ministry. Those memories and tributes will serve as a means of measuring his life; a life lived wholly unto the service of Jesus.

In September, 1998, I was privileged to succeed Jim as the Preaching Minister for the Village Church of Christ in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas. Jim had served since 1989 as the Preaching Minister in the Village, the first full-time Preaching Minister in the history of the church. He, along with his first wife Lee, served as catalysts for growth and maturity among God's people within the Village. When I arrived to begin my ministry in the Village, the foundation for which to build a solid, strong church was stable and sure.

In January, 1999, Jim, along with four other sterling Christian men, were recognized as Shepherd-Elders for the Village church. I so appreciated what Jim brought to the leadership of the Village church. Never one to enjoy long, administrative-type meetings, Jim was a consistent witness for the need to visit and pray. His prayers, both publicly and in the privacy of the leadership meetings, reflected a depth of sincerity that evidenced a man who'd walked a lifetime hand-in-hand with Jesus. His commitment to visitation, undoubtedly, raised the hopes of the hurting, lifted the sights of the spiritually drained, and brought joy and happiness to all.

One of my favorite stories of Jim involves a day in which he was exercising (walking) along Highway 7. Myron Lessman noticed a man walking along the side of the highway and as he drew closer to the figure, recognized the person as Jim Mabery. "Hey Jim, are you lost?" Myron asked. "No, Myron," Jim replied, "I'm saved!" That, in a nutshell, is Jim Mabery.

His life's work was devoted to the advancement of the kingdom, not only in the Midwest, in Illinois and Missouri where he did much of his ministry, but also in far-flung places like Ghana, West Africa. Every winter, Jim and Lee made an annual pilgrimage to Ghana to minister to and assist the churches in Ghana. Children in Ghana today attend primary school at the Lee Mabery school, named in honor of Jim's first and late wife. And, I'll always remember the delight of seeing correspondence come into the church office from Ghana because of the numerous letters from Ghanians who were named after Jim.

What a legacy!

His daughter and son-in-law, Gail and Rick Northen, have continued his legacy by devoting themselves to missions. Currently, Rick and Gail serve in Cambodia, assisting churches and the needy with their physical needs (through Rick's skilled dentistry), educational needs (through Gail's skilled teaching) and most of all, spiritual needs (through their mutual ministry of the gospel).

Perhaps the most amazing thing about Jim, to me personally, was that he never let retirement slow down his service to Jesus. I understand that the last few months, and the beginning of the Spanish ministry in the Village, was some of Jim's best work. That missionary's heart and minister's zeal never retired from Jim, evidenced by two baptisms last weekend at the Village directly related to the excellent ministry Jim and Marlon Bonilla provided for the up-start Spanish ministry at the Village church.

It's ironic, to me, that both Jim and Lee left this earth while away from home, on journeys. That typifies their entire life of ministry together. As pilgrims, they realized their home was not of this world; they were longing for a heavenly country whose builder and maker is God.

On his pilgrimage, Jim met with and shared Jesus with scores of people on continents all over this earth.

Today, our world, our ministry and the church of Jesus Christ has lost a splendid man. But our loss is heaven's gain. Today, there is a new angel singing in the Angel band!

Personally, I will forever remain indebted to Jim for his mentorship, his passion and his zeal. He has eternally rubbed off on me. Thank you, Jim Mabery, for exemplifying throughout your entire life the way of Jesus Christ. I, along with a host of others, are eternally grateful.

To Charlotte, Diane, Gail, Lance and Chris and all the grandchildren, know that Mandy, the girls and I are continually prayerful for you. God's comforting Spirit be with you as you grieve. May the memories of Jim's life of service and sacrifice for the spiritual well-being of others sustain you.