Friday, January 27, 2006

In his seminal book, The Church of Irresistible Influence, Robert Lewis argues that there is a chasm between the evangelical church and the world outside of our church doors. The message of grace that we preach oftentimes goes unheard by hurting people who most need to hear and experience God's love and forgiveness.

The bridge? Lewis says we need to share a gospel message that not only preaches, but also lives out the changing power of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

'Incarnation of the Word,' he writes, 'must precede and empower the proclamation of the Word'" (Willow, Volume 13, Issue 1).

What a challenging, reinforcing reminder of the need for missional living in our world today. More and more prominent voices throughout American Christianity are speaking the same theme: in order to impact our world and culture today, the confession of our lives must echo the confession of our lips!

Just think how evangelism at-large has traditionally worked. It has often been assumed, "If I can just get my friend in the church building to hear my preacher..." Today, more and more voices are saying, "No! Your life -- the living out of the mission of Jesus in your corner of the world -- is the greatest sermon your friend will ever hear."

Is the testimony of your life Monday through Saturday echoing the testimony of your lips on Sunday?