Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This morning's fishwrap has some exciting news from Nolan Ryan. Ryan, the Hall of Famer who lives in Georgetown (just an hour from Marble Falls) and whose statue graces the gathering area just beyond the centerfield wall at Ameriquest Field, has conjectured that Roger Clemens will pitch in 2006. Ryan reasons that Clemens is in excellent shape and has too much competitive drive left in him to walk away from the game.

As I've shared before, the consensus among National pundits and local beat writers is that Clemens will sign on with the Rangers if he does indeed decide to pitch in '06.

If that happens, look for the Rangers to come out of the gate in '06 as the favorites in the AL West.


When does Cedar Fever Season end? My sinuses can't take anymore!


The Business section of the fishwrap reveals this morning that "Americans are saving cash at a paltry pace." The National Savings Rate, according to the article, has dipped to its lowest point since the Great Depression.

On Monday, the Commerce Department released findings showing the savings rate for '05 was minus 0.5 percent, meaning the average American family spent more than they made.

Reading the article reminded me of something my dad always said about the danger of credit cards: "Son, you can't spend money you don't have."


Think the advertising boom might play just a small role in the way Americans view money and consumer goods? Cadillac is paying $5 Million for a One Minute ad during this Sunday's Super Bowl.

Advertisers thrive on communicating to Americans that there is a life out there just waiting to be lived if...

This morning, I'm wondering if we Christians have overcome the lure of the world or are we just as caught up in the swirl of consumerism? Do we live today thinking, "If only I could get...then I would be happy"? And do the decisions we make with regard to money reveal that our ultimate investment is in advancing the heavenly reign of God's kingdom or the temporary building of our own kingdom?