Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Great, great news! My sister, Melissa and her husband, Ryan found out today that the in-vitro worked and she is officially pregnant! Now we have to wait two weeks to find out if she is pregnant with one baby or twins.

I am so proud of Melissa for her faith in the face of two miscarriages. Here is the text of an email Melissa sent out to all her family and friends announcing the good news. Like her, I thank all of you who were diligent in prayer, interceding on her behalf.


We just got the call confirming that yes we are having a baby or babies! We will know more in two weeks whether there is one or two. I know you all have jinxed me for two ADHD boys so we'll see! We will also no more in two weeks if this pregnancy is in the tube or not, which most people don't have to worry about but with our past it is a concern. But we know after this miracle that all will be fine. Just keep those prayers coming that all will go smoothly. My niece Trae already called to ask me if I have gotten fat yet and to tell me she thinks that I should name the baby Kent if it is a boy and Delilah if it is a girl! Where she comes up with this stuff I will never know!

Ryan and I will never be able to thank you for all your prayers and support so far in this journey! God has blessed us beyond belief with such supportive friends & family. You are our angels and we just ask you to keep praying from here on out for a smooth & healthy pregnancy and baby this time around!

For the girls in my bible study group.....HE CAN DO WHAT HE SAY HE CAN DO!!!!! How many more amazing miracles is He going to bless us with? You girls have been my rock through this and I thank you so much for your love & support. I can't wait to celebrate at group this Sunday with you all!

I hope everyone is having a great day & I hope this little bit of news puts a smile on all your faces! You are going to be the best aunts & uncles this kid (or kids) could ever hope for!