Friday, April 28, 2006

This is one of those mornings when the double-edged sword of technology is really, really nice. As the girls still sleep, thanks the wireless capability at the brand spanking new Comfort Inn in Early, I can update my blog.

The girls were excited about arriving because our hotel is equipped with an indoor pool. And the only drawback of our entire little journey thus far is the disappointment the girls had when we discovered our arrival was only five minutes before pool closing time.

This afternoon, though, the two little gals are going to be able to swim to their heart's content!


I teach this morning at 10:30 a.m. on "Pressing On...To the Simple Life." Think about it for a second: would you describe your life as "simple" or "complicated"?

To me, one of the chief sources of complication in our lives is the incessant crush for more we hear in our consumer-driven culture. Leslie Savan has written the average American is exposed to 16,000 commercial advertisements every given day. And the subtle -- or in many cases not-so-subtle -- message of those ads is, "There is a life out there that you don't have! There is fun you're missing out on because you don't have ___________________" and the blank could be filled in with a car, a vacation, an item of clothing, etc.

Emotionally, the press of our consumer-driven culture complicates life. But "God made man simple; his complex problems are of his own devising" (Ecclesiastes 7.29 from The Jerusalem Bible).

Today, I want you to consider how you can simplify your life. What steps can you take to make life more simple? How can you live more in harmony with the way God created you to live?