At 18-17, the Rangers have the worst record of any team in first place in the division standings. For the entire month of May, the Rangers have been perched atop the AL West.
But for the next 23 consecutive days, the Rangers play series’ against: Boston, New York, Houston, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Oakland, Seattle and the Chicago White Sox.
This is a make-or-break stretch in the schedule. These next 23 days will reveal the Rangers are contenders or pretenders. Tonight, hard luck starter Kam Loe toes the rubber in Beantown against Matt Clement. Buckle up…it should be a fun ride for the next 23 days!
I’m excited about the next couple of weeks for more reasons than the Rangers. Tomorrow evening, my mom flies into San Antonio to spend two weeks with us. With Sunday being Mother’s Day and Monday being Trae’s birthday, it will be great to have mom here to enjoy and celebrate the excitement. I can’t wait to see her and to spend time with her.
As I think about how my faith has developed, my mom has played a key role as a mentor, friend and compassionate, caring parent. I can still remember the countless nights in the backyard swing, singing with my mom. I can still remember the confusion of my teen years and the wise counsel my mom shared. To this day, I still feed off her constant encouragement and support as an aspiring minister. My mom’s influence in my life has shaped and formed me into the man I’ve become.
I am eternally indebted to my mom for the godly influence in my life. So Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! I’m looking forward to celebrating your special day with you on Sunday!
I’ve never forgotten the words of Trish Frazier at a Connection Group meeting at our house back in Hot Springs Village. As we were talking about how we’d best like to be remembered – what words we’d like to have engraved on our tombstone – Trish said so sincerely, “I’d like my tombstone to read, ‘She was a Proverbs 31 woman’ and nobody would laugh.”
The ideals of the Proverbs 31 woman have often been held out as an impossible ideal. I’ve heard more than a few ladies tell me the profile of the godly woman in Proverbs 31 is just too ambitious. But I’ve always treasured and appreciate Trish’s words and her sincere desire to aspire the qualities and character of the Proverbs 31 woman.
As I think back over my life, especially my childhood, I can unequivocally say I was immensely blessed to be raised by a Proverbs 31 woman.