Has there ever been a better time to welcome the Yankees to town? After last night’s 8-2 whuppin’ of Baltimore, the Rangers have now won six in a row. The Rangers are 15-5 in their last 20 games. Rangers’ starters have not lost a start since Tax Day, going 7-0 with several no-decisions sprinkled in.
And the best news of all, for me personally, is DISH Network in Texas broadcasts all Rangers games on the Alternate Fox Sports Net feeds. That means, even when the Rangers games are shown on KDFI in the Metroplex, Dish picks up the feed and broadcasts it. That is some kind of sweet!
A little tardy this morning getting posted due to the beginning of 24 hours of Prayer at our church. At 8:00 a.m. this morning and continuing until 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, the men of our church are meeting in small groups to pray over the needs of our church family.
I am so refreshed and revived this morning thanks to the power of praying in community!
That word, at least among some circles has been hijacked and held hostage by folk who see behind every use of the word “community” something negative. But community is a word rooted in the Biblical concept of one another fellowship. Couple with that the powerful effects of community, such as the four of us who prayed in agreement for an hour together this morning, and you have a dynamic word that needs to be recovered in the family of God.
Yesterday, I shared with you a piece from Everett Ferguson about how our insistence on vocal music in the worship assembly doesn’t necessarily meet the purposes of worship as revealed in Scripture. Ferguson pointed out the need for vocal music to edify and equip for it to be Biblical and effective.
That got my thinking all throughout yesterday, what songs are especially meaningful to you? And by that, I do not mean the musical quality of the song but the words. What hymns have been especially impacting on your spiritual walk?
Here’s one I love and which moves me spiritually. The words were written by Frances Havergal way back in 1871:
Is it for me, dear Savior, Thy glory and Thy rest
For me so weak and sinful! O shall I be so blest?
O Savior, my Redeemer, what can I but adore,
And magnify and praise Thee, and love Thee evermore?
Is it for me, Thy welcome, Thy gracious “Enter In”
For me Thy “Come Ye Blessed,” for me so full of sin?
O Savior, my Redeemer, what can I but adore,
And magnify and praise Thee, and love Thee evermore?
O Savior, precious Savior, my heart is at Thy feet;
I bless Thee and I love Thee and Thee I long to meet.
O Savior, my Redeemer, what can I but adore,
And magnify and praise Thee, and love Thee evermore?
I’ll be with Thee forever and never grieve Thee more;
Dear Savior I must praise Thee and love Thee evermore.