Sorry to be so late with my blog post this morning. It's Jimmy and Allan's fault!
"The word of the LORD came to him (Elijah) saying, "Go from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the Wadi Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. You shall drink from the wadi, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." So he went and did according to the word of the LORD" (1 Kings 17.3-5a).
This week, I have found the influence again of TAG Time (TAG is an acroynm for Time Alone with God). God calls us into quiet places, to be still and know him so that as deep calls to deep, the presence of God can commune with his disciples.
There is great joy and strength when the community of faithful come together. But there is also great joy and strength in making TAG Time a priority.
"Thomas A. Kempis lived out such a commitment to solitude and he encouraged followers of Christ to imitate Jesus by doing the same. In his devotional classic The Imitation of Christ, he writes: 'The person who wants to arrive at interiority and spirituality has to leave the crowd behind and spend some time with Jesus. Nobody's comfortable in public unless he's spent a great deal of time in the quiet of his home.' Kempis goes on to warn against losing balance in our service to God: 'Better to lie still in one's cubicle and worry about one's spiritual welfare. Worse, to roam the streets a wonder-worker for others to the neglect of one's own spiritual life.'
God instructs us, as he did Elijah, 'Go and hide yourself by the stream.' God is there to give us food and drink and rest. He will guide us in the way we should go" (The Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible, p. 518).