Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Prayer Request

One of the neat things about blogging is when serious needs arise, I know a whole host of prayer warriors who visit my blog will immediately lift up the need in prayer.

Tonight, it was announced publicly that our Associate Minister at Woodward Park, Joe Boe, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. In just seven months, I have grown to love Joe as a passionate minister and a genuine friend. Joe is an exceptional evangelist, with a fervent desire to seek and save the lost, throughout Fresno and the world. He is an integral part of the mission endeavor in Ethiopia.

Because of a family history with prostate cancer, there is a real need for some diligent intercessory prayer on Joe's behalf. I ask that each of you remember this dear servant of God in your daily prayers.
Thanks in advance for remembering and praying for Joe. I know I can count on all of you who visit my blog to be diligent to pray for Joe's health, strength and encouragement in the days ahead.
Three weeks ago, Mandy and I had a get-away to Cayucos postponed due to illness. Today, everyone is well and, despite the rainy forecast, we are heading to the coast for a couple of days of R & R.
Talk to you again on Monday. In the mean time, keep praying!
