Tori with Sidney (the paparazzi's granddaughter) and Ashlyn. Ash-a-lun (as Tori calls her) and Tori bonded during the encampment. Thanks, Ash, for all the help and for giving Mandy a break throughout the encampment.

The paparazzi caught the Preacher Man in the full throes of driving home a point. It was a pure joy to be able to deliver the Monday evening keynote to a tent full of disciples of Jesus longing to grow more and more into the image of the Lord.

Good friend and fellow minister Eli Hooper and I following Eli's keynote just before the Western Jamboree on Wednesday night. Eli and I were able to share a Starbucks together on Thursday morning and talk about future plans for ministry.
The Tahoe Family Encampment is always one of the true highlights of the year and this year was no exception. To gather with 1200+ Christians in such a majestic setting is just short of heavenly. Thank you, Paul and Pat Methvin, for your dedication and devotion in pulling off another marvelous week of spiritual renewal.
By the way, today marks my 23rd spiritual birthday. It was 23 years ago today in the waters of Lake Greeson at Camp Barton that I was baptized into Jesus Christ by my grandfather. I'll never forget having my grandfather reinforce the magnitude of the commitment, coupled with the majesty of spiritual blessing, that accompany baptism.
God, forgive me today when I haven't lived up to my commitment. When I haven't upheld my end of the deal. Thank you for continually forgiving me through the blood of Your Son for all those times when my spiritual walk was a self-inflicted limp.
Thank you for the precious memory of my rebirth 23 years ago today. May the reality of that day propel my life in greater devotion and service to You this day and everyday for the rest of my life.