My family's been "Elfed." Take a second to watch the is a hoot!
Sorry for the blog downtime. The confluence of ministry and family demands has been suffocating this week.
I would ask you to remember in your prayers today two families. One is the Fulton family in West Virginia. Norris Fulton passed away earlier this week. Norris and his wife, Lora, have long been pillars of the Hurricane Church of Christ. Please keep Lora, Charlie, Mary Ann and the entire family in your prayers today.
Also pray for the Amezcua family. 10-year old Sebastian Amezcua, a student at Trae's school, died as a result of injuries in a car accident on the way home from church last Sunday. You can read the Fresno Bee recap here. Needless to say, this event has gripped all the students and faculty at Maple Creek Elementary school deeply.