A baseball lovers heads-up...DirecTV channel 720 (Game Mix) is the most incredible thing I have ever seen! I'm fearing my life as it has been known might evaporate in the sensory overload of eight games at one time! Also, XM is now broadcasting the MLB Channel (175) online and with a six-month special of only $2.99 (by the way, Charley Steiner's show "Baseball Beat" is the greatest talk radio show in the history of the airwaves).
One of the features of the baseball package on DirecTV that Dish didn't offer is the feed of both teams' broadcast. On Dish, before they elected not to compete for baseball programming, only the home team's broadcast on FSN was available. On DirecTV, both are available, including non-FSN broadcasts.
It's early, I know, but I don't really like what I am seeing out of the Rangers. Six errors in two games? Jack Benny, aka Joaquin Benoit, as the 8th inning set-up guy? C.J. Wilson, the second coming of Mitch Williams, as closer? Maybe Ron Washington knows something I'm not seeing but the early returns on the bullpen and defense are not favorable.
On a positive note, the offense does look more patient at the plate. That is a nice change-of-pace from the past.
"Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness" (Psalm 145.3-7).
I think we've misread Proverbs 13.22. There, Solomon speaks of a good man leaving "an inheritance for his children's children." With our western, affluent culture, we read into that verse the word "material" before the word "inheritance."
But notice that the word "material" isn't anywhere to be found in the original.
What inheritance are you leaving for your posterity? Why not plan to leave them an experiential inheritance, i.e. an investment of time that makes lifelong memories.
Better yet, why not invest in leaving behind a spiritual inheritance? The greatest gift we leave for our children and our children's children has nothing to do with material possessions but with those intangible, eternal possessions that can never be destroyed.