Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

Over 2074 miles, seven days, six speaking engagements, 211 invitation responses, a chapel assembly at Mars Hill, a high water-mark in attendance at Northside for the year, and seven trips to Chick-fil-A later, we're finally home.


Mandy, the girls and me.

All of us.

That was one long span of time away. I've already asked Mandy to renegotiate this agreement that calls for she and the girls to return to Arkansas for an extended vacation every summer. That was part of the deal to coax her into following God's lead to California, but I'm asking her to reconsider.

Seriously, the folks at the Sherrod Avenue Church of Christ in Florence, Alabama were beyond wonderful in their hospitality and generosity. The privilege of speaking at the Shoals Renewal was pure delight.

In Arkansas, I was blessed for the second time this year to speak at my home congregation, Northside Church of Christ in Benton. It was my dad's birthday on Sunday and the opportunity to speak back home on that day was beyond wonderful. It was, "marvelubeolous" as Paul Methvin might say. The response of the congregation to the message was overwhelming as people shared the names of people they love who need Jesus.

It was great to be back home. And it is great to be back home again!