Monday, June 08, 2009

A Great Weekend

The slate of Deacons at Woodward Park now numbers 35 strong - 35 gifted, able men overseeing 35 needed ministries within the church and within our community outreach. As a church family, we are seeking to win the world for Christ, beginning at home! That vision inspires us to be missionaries in our own homes, our neighborhoods, our work places. Today, Woodward Park is doubly blessed by God farther along the fulfillment of that vision through the capable service of our Deacons.

Sunday afternoon, the Valley-Wide Youth Series began with the first host site being Woodward Park. There were 9 different youth groups from Turlock to Porterville represented. As a special treat, Ashley Frizzell's dad, Keith Parker, presented a powerful message on the Forgiving Father and his Sinful Son from Luke 15. The singing was awesome! The fellowship was rich! And the abundance of cookies donated continues to pay dividends among the ministry staff!

But the weekend got off to a bang with Tori spending the night with Hannah for Hannah's 6th birthday.

The weekend finished up with an outstanding group of college and young professionals enjoying a BBQ at the home of Rod and Charlotte Avedikian. Our group of 46 enjoyed a meal together, some ultra-competitive games of volleyball, and a sunset devotional of songs, prayers, and Biblical reflection that was simply inspiring.