Monday, September 12, 2005

A couple of sports takes on a Monday morning...

* Michael Young leads the American League in Batting Average. Mark Teixeira leads the American League in runs batted in. And still the Rangers are third in the AL West and under .500. It's not all about offense.

* Speaking of offense, what an offensive effort from the Razorbacks. How can any legitimate SEC team ever lose to Vanderbilt at home? I pity the people shelling out big-time bucks to be in Los Angeles to watch this Saturday's game against the vaunted USC Trojans.

* The Texas Longhorns will play in the Rose Bowl for the second year in a row, this time for the National Championship. Vince Young is a one-man machine and there is no answer for his skills.

* Has there ever been a better sports highlight show than NFL Primetime on ESPN? From the production to the music to the commentary of TJack and Berman, I love that show. And having evening assembly at 5:00, I get to watch LIVE!

* The Saints win at Carolina yesterday was great to see. I've never been a Saints fan but I was thankful to see them win yesterday. For one day, the displaced in the Gulf Coast had a reason to celebrate.


Yesterday, in a special contribution, the Marble Falls Church of Christ membership contributed $25,300 toward aid for Hurricane Katrina. That money, coupled with a $25,000 from our Elders, will assist relief efforts through the White's Ferry Road Disaster Relief Ministry.

This weekend, the Marble Falls Church was home to 13 evacuees from New Orleans. We received them Friday at the Austin Convention Center and checked them out of the shelter. Once out of the shelter, two families were able to make contact with relatives in Baton Rouge on Saturday. We were able to transport them back to Austin to be reunited with their relatives yesterday afternoon. We sent them back with supplies, some furniture, supplies and food to aid them in rebuilding their lives.

Two gentlemen are still with us. Kenneth Tatum plans to stay in Marble Falls. This morning, he is beginning a new construction job. George Madison III is also with us. George is 71 years old and has a host of medical needs (diabetic, pacemaker patient, suffered a leg wound during the hurricane). In addition to his physical illness, George is dealign with the grief of losing his wife in the aftermath of the hurricane. George is currently staying in the home of one of our members who is a retired nurse. George's granddaughter will be coming in from Dallas at the end of the week to take him home.


Being missional begins and ends with the realization that I (we) are not the end-user of God's blessings. We are called to be conduits of the blessings of God; we are blessed in order to bless the lives of others.

May today find you accepting the opportunities God presents in your path to bless the lives of others.