Friday, November 25, 2005

What a weird feeling to wake up the day after Thanksgiving excited and anxious to watch, not the Arkansas/LSU game, but the Texas/Texas A&M game. I guess that means I have genuinely converted to my new digs.


It's great to be back in Northwest Arkansas. We enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast with my parents, my sister and her husband yesterday. Mandy and I finally realized what Northwest Arkansas reminds us of as we were driving in. If you've ever been to the rolling hill Amish country in southern Pennsylvania, Northwest Arkansas could pass for its topographical twin.


There have been so many blessings to count this Thanksgiving season. I am grateful for grace and the gift God gave to us by His grace that provides for us what we could never earn ourselves. I am thankful for Jesus Christ and His work at Calvary that provides redemption. I am grateful to be a part of the family at Marble Falls and for the incredible future God has in store for His people there. I am thankful for Mandy who loves me unconditionally. I am thankful for my two precious gifts from God, Trae and Tori. I never thought I could love three girls so passionately...but I do. I am thankful for the reunion this week with so many great friends in the family at the Village. I am thankful for mentors like Rick and Gail who have put their faith on the frontline in reaching the lost in Cambodia.

I am thankful for challenges, obstacles, struggles, doubts, depression, success, accomplishment and victory because they all remind me that God is at work. He didn't take a Sabbatical at creation. Didn't take a hiatus after the resurrection. Didn't take an extended vacation after the advent of the kingdom. No! God is still at work today and our duty is to discover where He is at work and join ourselves to Him.