Thursday, December 01, 2005

Alright, this seasonal sickness stuff is getting a little ridiculous!

For the last three weeks, one of our girls has been sick. Just as Tori was bouncing back and things were returning to normal, Trae came down ill last night during the middle of the night with the flu. The sad part is tonight is her school Christmas play and, as of now, it looks like she'll be a no-show. That is disappointing to us, but not as disappointing as it is to Trae.


I found this quote yesterday: "It is easier to maintain mediocrity than to strive for excellence."

How true that is. Be it in your personal life, professional life, even in the life of a church, it is so much easier to settle for the routine of mediocrity than to strive for excellence.

I've never understood why churches sometime seem content with mediocrity -- a mediocrity that is visible in children's programming, in evangelistic zeal, in inspiring worship assemblies. We are supposed to be people who have committed ourselves to live by "the most excellent way" so it stands to reason that in our witness, we would strive for excellence in the way we communicate and exemplify the way of Jesus to the world.


Finally, yesterday marked the end of a 12-year run for one of my favorite heroes of all time. Ken Hatfield resigned yesterday as the Head Coach at Rice. During his time at Arkansas, Hatfield led the Hogs to a 55-17 record and four finishes in the Top 15 over the course of his six years.