Friday, December 02, 2005

Thankfully, Trae made a dramatic recovery from what we feared was the flu and was able to make it to school by lunch time yesterday. I think the moral of the story of her illness Wednesday night was this: never feed your child spicy food, i.e. lasagna, right before they go to bed! She performed well during the Christmas play last night at the high school auditorium and for that, I am grateful.

Trae was just one of several kids from our church who performed in the program last night. It was a really fun, neat evening. Afterward, four of us families, with all our kidos, munched down on the best pizza ever made...Mr. Gatti's.


I'm out of the office today at noon to meet up with Jamie Schumacher who is going to give me a crash course in shooting a bow. This morning, as Trae and I ate breakfast together, we watched three bucks (two 8 points and a 4 point) scuffle with one another while about 15 does stood around watching. I'm thinking one of those 8 points would look really nice above our fireplace.


The Austin American-Statesman newspaper this morning noted in the sports section that the University of Texas has scheduled a four-game series in basketball, beginning in the 2006-2007 season with, none other than, the University of Arkansas.

I'm already making plans to be in the Super Drum next year when the Hogs come calling on the Horns...but who will I cheer for?


I appreciate so much the growth and maturity of Jimmy Mitchell. His blog entry yesterday impacted me and I share it with you today. He entitled this entry "Injustice."

Last night in the youth group, we talked about baggage. Not the kind we carry with us on vacation, but the emotional baggage that burdens us down every day - the burden of being scorned, wronged, abused, hurt or mistreated by our friends, family or fellow man. Some of us have the chemical makeup to strike back immediately, but if you are like me, when someone has wronged you, it is easy not to say anything at all and let the pain stay with you until it builds into a festering wound that threatens to destroy. Either way, no good comes of the situation. Something needs to be done by someone to make everything right again.

Last night was a breakthrough for many in class. In a world so full of “just wait, they’ll see”, I’ll get them”, and “I am going to make them wish they had never messed with me!’ we came to the Biblical conclusion that we are not to avenge the injustices committed against us in the world. That is God’s business.

He is the one in control.

He knows the hearts and minds of everyone.

He sees the good and the bad.

We don’t and we can’t.

Isn’t it great to know that Someone more powerful, insightful, loving and forgiving is in control of you and me. Let’s give all of it over to Him. He can handle it so much better.