Friday, January 20, 2006

This afternoon, a group of 35 from the Marble Falls Youth Ministry will make the trek up I-35 to the Metroplex and the annual Winterfest Youth Rally at the Arlington Convention Center.

For some reason, with the kids trip in mind, I woke up this morning thinking back to all the great memories I have of my days as a teen in the Youth Ministry at the Northside church in Benton, Arkansas.

So, in descending order, here is my Top 5 list of favorite youth group activities from my teen years:

#5 - The lock-in we had when Dale was a Youth Minister when we watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and then had a devo in the cemetery.

#4 - The Bible Bowl trip to San Antonio, filled with stops at "Golden Arches" courtesy of R.L. Johnson.

#3 - Interning with Doug Yates.

#2 - Preaching at Johnson Street.

#1 - Being baptized by my grandfather on August 1, 1984.


Check out Toney Stowers' NFL Championship game predictions. Toney has only missed on one prediction throughout the playoffs (last week's Indy/Pittsburgh game, but he did have a caveat attached to that prediction).