Monday, February 27, 2006

This morning, I awoke with several things on my mind to share with you. I wanted to share my adoration for Don Knotts, aka Barney on Andy Griffith, and some memories of his life. I wanted to share some personal reflections from the outstanding Marriage Seminar with Jerry and Lynn Jones. I wanted to share some thoughts on dealing with ambiguities in Scripture from Eugene Peterson's new work, Eat This Book.

But then I opened my email to find the following from Sandy Milligan.

I wanted to give the latest on Jeff (Bearden). I know you will pray for him, but please have your church family pray also.

Jeff and Michelle went to UAMS this past Friday. The doctor there gave them a completely different story on his leg. He still has a tumor in his leg in the shape of a cucumber. The cancer he has is the very fast spreading kind and very dangerous. He will begin heavy chemo this coming week at St. Joseph in Hot Springs. After he completes his chemo, he then has radiation. The doctors hope this will shrink the tumor. Then after those treatments are completed, they will operate again to remove the existing tumor. If the cancer continues to spread, the last resort is amputation.

Naturally, they are at a loss and in a fog - doubt and uncertainty. "The fear of the unknown". Johnny has been keeping his business open when he has to leave and will continue to do that. He naturally is worried about his
family and how they will make it if he doesn't.

I know you will, but please pass this along to Jimmy also. Keep the entire family in your prayers and I will continue to keep you posted on his progress.

For anyone who ever questioned the value of small groups ministry, look no farther than Jeff and Michelle. Introduced to the Village church by Mike and Kim Sykora on Friends Day, they returned immediately to small groups and very quickly assimilated into our church family. Now, Jeff and Michelle are leaders in the Village church family ministry.

I ask you today to join me before the Father for Jeff, Michelle, Dane and Jacob.