Tahoe Family Encampment 2006 has really been a spiritual boost to me. I have enjoyed sharing meals and fellowship with so many wonderful friends, both old and new. I have enjoyed feasting on the spiritual food at the various keynote lectures. I have been challenged by the insights and collective wisdom at the early bird Leadership Class.
While it is a blessing to be here and to be blessed by such a spiritual smorgasboard, I miss my girls.
Last year, Trae and I did Tahoe together. It remains to this day one of the greatest memories Trae and I have made together. I missed her yesterday at the Carnival. Every time I drive by the amusement park, I wish she were her with me. When I pass by the putt-putt golf course, I wish she were here. I miss swimming with her, laughing with her and sending her off with Jenna and Joelle to ride horses.
One of the side benefits of our upcoming move to Fresno will be the opportunity to make the Tahoe Encampment a routine for our family. I already can't wait till next summer when Mandy, Trae, Tori and I can do the encampment together as a family, enjoying the carnival, amusement park, putt-putt, horseback riding and swimming together!
I am teaching my class this week on the influence of our consumer-driven culture on our faith. The working out of our faith in community is impacted by the consumer impulses that proliferate our culture.
The way of Jesus and the fruit of the Spirit in the life of a disciple stands wholly opposed to our culture's dominant calling. How do we, as disciples of Jesus, resist the impress of our culture in order to be formed into the image of Jesus? That is the essence of the question we are seeking to answer.