Thursday, October 05, 2006

Frank Olivas will always be special to me. Yesterday afternoon, I had the privilege of baptizing Frank into Jesus.

Frank walked into our building on Sunday night four weeks ago, searching and seeking the missing piece to his life's puzzle. As we studied and shared over the last four weeks, it became apparent to Frank that the missing piece was a trusting, obedient faith in Jesus Christ.

Yesterday, Frank made the bold confession of his absolute faith in Jesus as God's Son and was immersed in baptism for the forgiveness of all his sins.

This morning, I am filled with gratitude to God for using the simplicity of the good news of Jesus to save Frank Olivas. The joy in Frank's expression reminded me of the blessing of God's grace in granting to us what we could never earn or deserve on our own merit.

What I love about Frank's infant passion in Jesus is his enthusiasm to continue studying and searching even now that he is a disciple. Next Friday, after I arrive back in Fresno from a speaking tour, Frank and I are going to reopen the Word to see what God says about growing in Christ.

"God, thank you that in only two months time, you've already opened doors of opportunity to spread kingdom seed. I ask that you would put more and more Frank's in our path so that we can share the good news of Jesus. Give us the sensitivity to see in whose lives You are working and be prepared to join You in the quest of advancing Your kingdom reign in this world."


In a couple of hours, I'll fly out of Sacramento for Little Rock. I can't wait to land in Little Rock and see my parents. It'll be great to be back in Arkansas; to spend time with my parents and my grandparents. To renew old acquaintances with friends who've helped mold and shape my life and ministry. To sit in the stands at Lion Stadium on Friday night and cheer on the #2 ranked Jessieville Lions as they battle the Bigelow Panthers.

And it'll be great to be back in the pulpit at the Johnson Street Church of Christ on Sunday morning. It'll be great to sing, "Mansion, Robe and Crown." And it'll be great to preach to an enthusiastic, responsive army of God's finest soldiers.

On Sunday afternoon, it's off to Marshall, Texas to speak for three days (Monday through Wednesday) at the annual Sojourners National Conference. I'm not sure what the internet capability will be at Camp Bee, but rest assured, if it is possible, I will be sharing with you each morning in this space.

In the meantime, I ask for your prayers for traveling mercies and for transforming ministry.