Friday, March 23, 2007

If There Were No God

Yesterday afternoon, I checked Trae out of school early and the girls, my mom and I headed up to Shaver Lake. Most of the snow around the lake had melted away, except for the shady places and the peaks. Nevertheless, the scene was majestic. Breathtaking. And left my mom in complete awe.
"How can anyone look at this and claim there's no God?" my mom asked.

Great question.
For David, evidence of God's existence was self-explanatory in nature. "You want proof that God is?" David seems to ask in Psalm 19, "go outside and take a look around." As Don England, former science professor at Harding noted, the Biblical writers do not attempt to argue systematically for the existence of God. Nature evidences the creative design of the Creator.
For David, proof of God's existence was obvious in observing nature. The celestial bodies in the sky speak on God's behalf, arguing for his existence.

For my mom, the proof is in the visible manifestation of the glory of God in nature.

While scientists and scholars argue the when, how and why of creation, nature itself and the testimony of Scripture are undeniable.

God is. God did.

Enough said.