For instance, August 1, 1984 is one date that is dear to me. On that evening, I was baptized into Jesus by my grandfather at Camp Barton.
Another date that is blazened upon my memory is June 11, 1994.
Thirteen years ago today.
One of the most special days of my life...
Dear Princess,
13 years ago today, you blessed me with the second greatest gift of my life. 13 years ago today, in Rick and Keely's front yard, you committed to spend the rest of your life with me as my wife. My bride. My angel.
What a 13 years its been, huh? We've been on the receiving end of two wonderful bundles of love from God, Trae and Tori. We've lived together in five states. We've bought three homes and built one. We've made memories on every coast. We've laughed together, cried together, fought together, gotten mad together, prayed together, sang together, worshipped together, served together.
We've shared life together.
I'll never forget the day I first saw you behind those aviator sunglasses. From that first glance, my heart raced at your beauty -- beauty that has only been enhanced in my eyes with the passing of time. It was your physical beauty that stole my heart at first. And 13 years later, it is the beauty of your entire personality that I've come to cherish and am so madly in love with. From your sense of humor to the wonderful mommy you are to our girls to those cute dimples in your chin when you smile, I am as smitten today as I was on that autumn afternoon when I first saw you.
Thank you for loving me. For supporting me. For praying for me. For putting up with me. For believing in me when my courage was gone and my faith was flat.
Your love coupled with God's love is the three-stranded cord that completes me.
Happy Anniversary Baby Doll!
I Love You,