Today is a special day in my life for a number of reasons. For starters, today marks my family's one year anniversary of our coming to Woodward Park. It has been a wonderful year, filled with great memories and spiritual triumphs. Sure, there have been some potholes along the way, but the mountain peaks far surpass any valleys we've experienced.
Thank you to all our new friends and family in Fresno for welcoming us and loving us. You've made our first year together one of the most rewarding years in our ministry and we look forward to the future and all God has in store for the kingdom in Fresno.
Another reason today is special is it marks the beginning of our first family vacation in two years. With our move to Texas and then to Fresno, we've been through back-to-back first year ministries for the last two years. I've always felt that the first year in any new ministry is critical, therefore, we haven't taken a family vacation in two years.
I am grateful to the elders for honoring our commitment to Woodward Park and allowing my family a chance to get-away for a week. We're going to escape to the mountains where the temperatures are supposed to be in the 60's during the day and the 30's at night. I've got a backpack full of books I plan on reading and nothing else on the agenda except some R & R while making some new memories with the girls.
As such, I'll be taking a blog vacation as well. See you again here on Tuesday the 14th.
Till then, remember this: "The richest person in the world is not the one who has the most but the one who needs the least."