Today, we take Rick and Gail to San Francisco International to return to their mission in Cambodia. After some sightseeing and seafood, we'll bid them Godspeed until summer.
Through their ministry, Rick and Gail epitomize how to use God's blessings as a stewardship means to bless the lives of others.
The teaching ministry at Woodward Park is not reaching far. One foreign country, three western states, and several churches up and down the central valley of California are receiving at no charge DVD's of the teaching ministry at Woodward Park.
If you or your congregation could use DVD's of the Woodward Park teaching ministry as a resource for classes, or especially in the smallest of congregations that might be void of a preacher, send me an email at jim@wpcoc.com and we will have a series on Philippians to you right away.
I'll have to catch the BCS Championship game tonight in transit from San Francisco via the radio.
The BCS games have been anything but predictable. Given that trend, LSU should win, is the better team, is quicker and more talented, but...
Ohio State - 30
LSU - 24