Greetings from the central California coast, specifically the lovely little seaside hamlet of Cayucos. When we moved to Fresno, the Fraysier girls (Deb, Jamie and Heidi) turned us onto Cayucos and Mandy and I have fallen in love with its small-town charm. Cayucos is one of the few coastal towns not overwhelmed by tourism -- where a couple can park at the hotel and walk to the beach, to restaurants, to shops for the duration of their stay. We're here courtesy of the generosity of my parents for a couple of days of R&R.
Till next week, I want to point you in the direction of
Nick Perez's blog. Nick is a Woodward Park boy who was trained at Sunset and is about to finish a year-long internship in Wichita, Kansas. Nick, and his wife Kim, are seeking a full-time preaching ministry opportunity and, in my estimation, Nick would be a blessing to any church seeking an enthusiastic, up-and-comer to the fill the pulpit. Nick is currently blogging in commentary-style the gospel of Luke. You'll be blessed and grow spiritually from his insights.