Dear Tori,
Two weeks ago, I shared with my blog readers how that you were our dancing queen. What I forgot to tell them is you are also our drama queen! Your impressions of Hannah Montana, your intuitive way of seizing a moment to generate a smile, and your sense of humor make our family fun. Your vocabulary is so vastly superior to your maturity at age four, which makes for some hilarious moments!
Make no mistake, your motor is always running and there are few who rival your enthusiasm.
I also love your heart. Your heart is so soft. You are our "little grammy" because of your sensitivity and your sweetness. Your quick with caring compliments and in your innocence, you radiate to me Jesus.
On this first day of a week of Thanksgiving, Tori, know that I am grateful to God for you. I am grateful for your energy and your passion and your enthusiasm and your sensitivity and your generosity. When I count my many blessings, I thank God for blessing me with the gift of you.
I Love You!
We're having a blessed time in the Bay Area. Friday through Sunday, I was privileged to share a five lesson seminar with the Lassen Street Church of Christ in Vallejo. On Saturday, we spent the day at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Today, we're going to ride the ferry over to Pier 39 in San Francisco and ride the cable cars through the city.
Oh yeah, we'll probably sneak in a stop at Ghiradelli's!